WebReguła CSS odpowiedzialna za ten efekt jest niezwykle prosta: tr:nth-child (even) {background: #CCC} tr:nth-child (odd) {background: #FFF} Tak naprawdę CSS pozwala kolorować nie tylko parzyste i nieparzyste elementy - okres może być dowolny. Słowa kluczowe even (parzyste) i odd (nieparzyste) są tylko wygodnym skrótem. WebLes règles CSS pour exprimer cela sont très simples: tr:nth-child (even) {background: #CCC} tr:nth-child (odd) {background: #FFF} En réalité, CSS autorise non seulement les alternances pair/impair mais également les alternances sur n'importe quel interval. Les mots clé 'even' et 'odd' sont juste des raccourcis.
CSS :nth-child() Selector - GeeksforGeeks
WebSep 21, 2024 · Practice. Video. In this article, we will see how to set styles in even child of parent element using jQuery. To set the style on even child of the parent, we use jQuery :nth-child (even) selector. The :nth-child (even) selector is used to select every element that is the even child of its parent element. Web#CSS #seletores-avancados #pseudo-class-child Olá pessoal, tudo bem? O CSS possui algumas pegadinhas. ... Simbora 00:41 Introdução ao seletor nth-child 02:04 first-child e last-child 02:47 nth-child 05:25 nth-of-type 08:38 odd, even e fórmulas com "n" 14:28 nth-last-child 15:49 Desafio DESAFIO: No final desse vídeo eu passei os seguintes ... reachcliff cave skyrim
Про вычислительную сложность алгоритмов HTML и CSS
WebThe index of each child to match. Must be a number. The first element has the index number 1. even: Selects each even child element: odd: Selects each odd child element: formula: Specifies which child element(s) to be selected with a formula (an + b). Example: p:nth-child(3n+2) selects each 3rd paragraph, starting at the 2nd child element WebFeb 8, 2010 · It boils down to what is in between those parentheses. nth-child accepts two keywords in that spot: even and odd. Those should be pretty obvious. “Even” selects … WebFeb 8, 2010 · It boils down to what is in between those parentheses. nth-child accepts two keywords in that spot: even and odd. Those should be pretty obvious. “Even” selects even numbered elements, like the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc. “Odd” selects odd numbered elements, like 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc. As seen in the first example, nth-child also accepts ... reachcore login